
Why be a member of 8111?

Membership is not required to attend meetings at 8111. The Clubhouse is primarily supported by rents paid through a portion of the baskets collected by groups and meetings held at 8111, but this is often not enough to cover our entire facility budget. Committed donations by members are vital to cover shortages from meeting contributions, fund adequate facility maintenance and improvements, and ensure that 8111 remains open and operational to welcome future alcoholics in need of help.

Membership commitments start as low as $15/month (50 cents per day). We ask that members have at least ninety days or more of sobriety to join. You can pay by secure auto-debit or credit card. Start by selecting an option below:



Join the 8111 Club. A $15 a month recurring charge to your credit/debit card.

Join the 8111 Club. A $180 a year recurring charge to your credit/debit card.

Join the 8111 Club. A $25 a month recurring charge to your credit/debit card.

Join the 8111 Club. A $300 a year recurring charge to your credit/debit card.

Join the 8111 Club. A $100 a month recurring charge to your credit/debit card.

Join the 8111 Club. A monthly custom recurring charge on your credit/debit card.

*One time donations can be made following the ‘Donate Now’ menu or by clicking here.

Membership FAQs

  • Is supporting 8111 the same as supporting Alcoholics Anonymous or Al-Anon?
    No. The 8111 Clubhouse is a separate entity from Alcoholics Anonymous. While club members may also be members of the AA home groups that meet at 8111, the clubhouse is not affiliated with nor endorsed by Alcoholics Anonymous.


  • Do I need to be a member of 8111 in order to attend meetings here?
    No. Any alcoholic or anyone seeking help for alcoholism can attend an AA meeting at 8111 or be a member of any home group that meets at 8111.


  • Do I get any special perks or privileges for being a member of 8111?
    While there are no material “perks” or “privileges”, most of our members enjoy supporting the club in order to keep the doors open for the next suffering alcoholic, just as previous members ensured that the doors were open for us.


  • Are donations to the Clubhouse tax deductible?
    Yes. Additionally, one-time donations are always welcome and can be made online or deposited into the clubhouse safe.